HTML Editor - Full Version
Mt:13:12] Għax kull min għandu, jingħatalu, u jkollu żżejjed ukoll; iżda min ma għandux, jitteħidlu saħansitra dak li għandu. [Mt:13:13] Jien għalhekk inkellimhom bil-parabboli; għax iħarsu kemm iħarsu ma jarawx, u jisimgħu kemm jisimgħu ma jifhmux.
Il-kliem ta’ Gesu’ jidhru misterjuzi, imma fil-fatt huma precizi.
Jekk il-qalb tirrispondi ghas-sejhat tieghu, ghall-grazzji tieghu, allura il-qalb tkun trid aktar tersaq qrib lejn Alla, il-Kreatur taghha, ghax taghraf it-tjubija tieghu. Il-qalb taghna ma tistriehx hlief f’ALLA taghna, jghid Santu Wistin.
Imma jekk il-qalb hija maghluqa jew mimlija blat flok hamrija fertili, allura din titlef dak kollu li Alla jrid jaghniha bih.
Kemm-il darba Alla jkellimna bil-parabboli jew ahjar bi hwejjeg li jsehhu madwarna. Mewta ta’ xi hadd tista’ tkun mument ta’ konverzjoni ghall-midneb. Qari ta’ ktieb tajjeb jista’ jkun mument li fih wiehed jikkoregi ruhu minn xi difett spiritwali.
Thallix mumenti bhal dawn jghaddu minghajr ma tati kazhom. Ghax Alla jkun qed ikellmek.
, and <body> tags, as well as the <!doctype> declaration.
These HTML elements ensure that you have a full HTML web page. You can remove these elements if you like (eg, if you only want a small piece of HTML code). If you decide to remove those tags, wait until you've generated all your code, otherwise the editor will add them back in.
Alternatively, you can use the stripped-down standard editor which doesn't include those tags.
More HTML Resources
HTML tags
Full list of all HTML elements.
This is an alphabetical list of HTML elements, linking to a full page of details for each element.
CSS reference
CSS Reference
CSS properties, functions, @-rules, data types, color values, and more — all on one page. Filter by keyword.
HTML editor
More HTML Editors
Other online WYSIWYG editors similar to the above editor, but with variations in their toolbars and other small details.
HTML tutorial
HTML Codes
Extensive list of copy/paste code examples. Copy and paste straight into your website, blog, or newsletter.
CSS colors
CSS Color
Loads of CSS color resources. Color pickers, color charts, converters, generators. Full reference for color properties and color values.
HTML tutorial
HTML Tutorial
Walks through the basics, such as creating your first web page. Then covers topics including tables, adding color, images, forms, image maps, and more.
About the HTML Editor
The above HTML editor is known as "CKEditor", which can be downloaded from the CKEditor website. It is distributed under the GPL, LGPL, and MPL open source licences.
Online Editors
Standard Editor
HTML Editors
Online HTML Editor
Full HTML Editor
CK Editor - Standard
CK Editor - Classic
TinyMCE Editor
HTML Scratchpad
Table Editor
HTML Generators
HTML Code Generator
HTML Table Generator
Marquee Generator
Music Code Generator
HTML Text Generator
Dummy Text Generator
Text Box Generator
HTML Reference
HTML 4 Tags
HTML 5 Tags
HTML Codes
HTML Templates
HTML Editors
HTML Tutorial
Create a Website
Character Set Reference
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